Welcome to Newport Beach! We are a real life RPG forum set in the current year. We offer you friendly staff support and a luxurious role playing community. Our home is your home and we want to make you feel as comfortable as we can. Don't be shy, say hi.
The site is set in Newport Beach, CA. An average sized, sunny town with a nice community. Your character can be grouped as a local, high school student, college student, or they can work at the local mental asylum. Our community welcomes you. We hope you enjoy the site and decide to join us.
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aite (c) lucia, channel, & marie.
layout (c) storm
characters (c) their respective owners
codes (c) slightly insane, SoCal, & Proboards Support
graphics (c) shadia
more detailed credits can be found here
So what I am looking for is a final, or long term relationship for Kenzie. This guy would most likely be from the south much like her. She has always been into the bad-ass country boys, so this would probably be a must. She likes the guys who are tough on the exterior, though has a sensitive side that not many get to see. She likes to try and fix the men she is with. She is a virgin, so keep this in mind. The man would have to be able to handle the fact that she is a spit fire, she does what she wants, and she doesn't take too kindly to being told what to do. With all this in mind what I believe would happen is Kenzie finds her man. She is in love with them, and everything seems peachy keen. She is the type of girl to have many more guy friends than she would girls. So, this may lead to some jealousy by kenzie's s/o. Now, maybe he would tell her that she could not hang out with a certain guy friend anymore. This is where the second guy would come in, maybe he's even her boyfriend's friend. Anyways, Kenzie would rebel. Thus leading to Kenzie sleeping with man#2. From there we could see what would happen. I am open to editing and changing this. I have no face claims in mind. All is good with that. Please feel free to offer up what you may have!!
kiver & kenzie;; a little history on kiver's side. he's twenty eight, the owner of the masthead (local coffee shop), has an eleven year old son that he doesn't talk to because the mother wants nothing to do with him. after he was denied custody and such with his son he kind of went off the deep end, sticking his stank in any woman he saw fit. now, he has calmed that life style down but he has no conscience when it comes to sleeping around. he does love the sweet and innocent girls and would tell her anything that she wanted to hear just to get in her pants. this is why i think he would be perfect for Man 2.
kenzie&kiver;; I definitely thin that would work. Especially when he is so damn sexy, Kenzie would be attracted to him from the start. Course, I think maybe it would start as maybe a harmless flirtation slash friendship. She's the kind to joke, flirt, and tease. She enjoys getting the guys going, but not so much to having sex. So when she does it will be quite interesting I think. It's almost as if she is afraid to do it. She is actually super self conscious so that plays a big role in why she hasn't yet, but when push comes to... well rebellion... she's gonna go for it lol
JASE && KENZIE First off, Jase isn't made yet. I just joined, so I haven't had time to make him quite yet. I've actually been deciding on a face claim. I'm down to 3 ^-^ Chace Crawford,Zac Efron, and Colin Egglesfield. Background, he's a country boy, . He has the looks and mindset. He'll most likely be charming, polite, friendly, hard working small town country boy. Haven't got his personality down completely. He's the jealous type, no doubt, so he would fit in perfectly with the plot. He'd also be torn up when she sleeps with guy #2, so she'd have to find a way to re gain his trust. But with his country thinking, he'd definitely be willing to try. If you like the idea, let me know which of the 3 claims you'd prefer. (: