Welcome to Newport Beach! We are a real life RPG forum set in the current year. We offer you friendly staff support and a luxurious role playing community. Our home is your home and we want to make you feel as comfortable as we can. Don't be shy, say hi.
The site is set in Newport Beach, CA. An average sized, sunny town with a nice community. Your character can be grouped as a local, high school student, college student, or they can work at the local mental asylum. Our community welcomes you. We hope you enjoy the site and decide to join us.
If you have any immediate questions, hop in the chat box. We're sure one of our members will be able to answer your questions.
aite (c) lucia, channel, & marie.
layout (c) storm
characters (c) their respective owners
codes (c) slightly insane, SoCal, & Proboards Support
graphics (c) shadia
more detailed credits can be found here
Percy had a cart as he walked through the store. He was here to get some small snacks for him and his brother as they repacked everything to move in with Flo. Well, not only that. He was also going to get some baby things, for his three babies that would be born months from now.
He wondered what to get them. He wished he brought Flo along with him, as she probably knew more from reading those books. He hadn't read a single thing yet and he was already shopping for them. Well, might as well get a head start while you can, right? That means less shopping for later on.
He sighed as he stopped near the baby section of the supermarket. He looked around and really only noticed a few women in it. No guys. Just him. How awkward. He sighed and took a deep breath, as if he was building up the courage to walk into a forbidden kingdom.
He moved forward and began looking around. Pacifiers, bibs, diapers, strollers, cribs, all of it was here. The more he looked at it, the more nervous he got. He was glad that Jeremy, and Mallory, would be helping out around the house. That would take a load off of Flo's shoulders, as well as his.
Speaking of Mallory, he hadn't seen her the whole time he's been here, which has only been about two or three days. He wondered if she even knew he was here in town. A sigh escaped his lips as he shook his head. She'd find out eventually anyways.
He stopped and began looking at the bibs. He wondered which ones Flo would like.